Showing posts with label crew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crew. Show all posts

Why Short Hair Girls Have More Fun

Jenna Louise Coleman Short Hair
Shout out to my favourite girl Jenna Louise Coleman 

A month ago I cut my hair into a bob and I am in love with it! I have had long hair since I started growing it at 16 and the longest it has ever grown to is around my boob region. Realising I wasn't going to have hair down to my bum I accepted defeat and embraced the short hair crew. And now i understand people who get the bug when they cut their hair short, I want to get an even shorter bob do but I have been told I am not allowed by Cal haha.

I thought I would make a little list of all the things I love about having shorter hair and why it is great to be part of the short hair crew!

  • Washing and drying your hair doesn't take 10 thousands years 
  • There is definitely no dead ends left in your hair when your missing half of it
  • Half up half down dos really do suit shorter box cuts 
  • Your hair is so bouncy you think your in a VO5 advert 
  • It takes half the time to curl or straighten it hallelujah
  • You don't get an annoying wet back when you take your washed hair out of the towel
  • Your hair doesn't tangle as much 
  • You go through less shampoo and conditioner ect
  • You'll be thankful for shorter hair come to hotter months 
  • Dry shampoo somehow works better with shorter hair - just me?
  • It so much easier to style, just throw some sea salt on it your ready to go 

I might do some hair style type posts in the near future to show you guys my favourite styles to do for shorter hair as well as a hair care routine.

 Who else has embraced the short hair crew?
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