My Top 5 Pick Me Up Films #2

27 January 2016

I thought it was about time I updated my post on my favourite films to cheer me up as I have fallen in love with some great films since my last post and January is always a depressing month.

My Top 5 Pick Me Up Films #2

Love Rosie 
I love love love this film! For many reasons, the first being Lily Collins is my girl crush and I want to be her. Secondly Sam Clafin is not sore on the eyes at all and his character is so goofy and cute. And lastly I love the story line, falling for a best friend myself I really love watching stories about the same thing.

My Top 5 Pick Me Up Films #2
If you love cute romance but not tradional films then you will like this film. Penelope was born with a pig nose and the only way she can get rid of it is for someone of her own kind (filthy rich) to accept and love her, not an easy task. It stars Christina Ricci and James McCavoy who shock I have a crush on so I enjoy watching it. It has a really cute ending with a good meaning behind it.

My Top 5 Pick Me Up Films #2

This movie makes me smile so much. It's a typical British comedy so has loads of great British actors like Peter Capaldi and Julie Walters plus its full of British humor. It is a really cute story line and is really heart felt throughout and makes you feel all warm inside.

My Top 5 Pick Me Up Films #2
No one really understands my love for this film but I can't deny that I love it. I love most of Adam Sandler's film tbh and I went to watch this at the cinema and thought it was great. Firstly its set in Africa so the scenery is amazing in all the shots. It is about two single parents finding love again so it has some real cute moments together, but mainly it is just hilarious.

My Top 5 Pick Me Up Films #2
Pitch Perfect 1+2
How could I not have already mentioned Pitch Perfect yet? I was one of them girls who was obsessed with this film when it first came out so naturally I went to the cinema to see the second film straight away. It always perks me up and gets me singing (badly) Plus Anna Kendrick is a bad ass in my opinion,

You can read my first post here and leave me your favourite pick me up films! 
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1 comment

  1. Love Rosie is one of my favourite movies of all time! though it's not the exact same as the book, I love how somewhat realistic some parts are and I ship Sam and Lily... hahahaha! And also the playlist for that movie is to die for! Oldies but Goodies songs if you say. Also for blended, it gave off the message that you'll find love eventually..

    Mia xx | Chaotic Tales


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