Showing posts with label 24th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 24th. Show all posts

24th Birthday Haul | Mary Berry, Urban Decay, Kiko, Glossier & Clinique

24th Birthday Haul | Mary Berry, Urban Decay, Kiko, Glossier & Clinique

24th Birthday Haul | Mary Berry, Urban Decay, Kiko, Glossier & Clinique

24th Birthday Haul | Mary Berry, Urban Decay, Kiko, Glossier & Clinique

I am officially a 24 year old and I don't know how I feel about that. I still feel 18 and I still look 16 so 24 feels like a very strange age. I thought I would do a birthday haul and show you everything that I received for my birthday and I have loads of new goodies to try for the blog.

Starting off with skincare Cal used my Glossier Wish List post to pick put some glossier products for me and he done good. He got me a set which included the Milky Jelly Cleanser, Priming moisturiser and the Balm dotcom. The balm has already made its way into my handbag and the moisturiser has really surprised me. I have used it for the last few days underneath my makeup and I have really like how it made my skin feel, my makeup has glided on afterwards. He also separately bought me the Solution exfoliating skin perfector and the Super Bounce serum. The Solution is a lot harsher than I imagined it would be so it is definitely a once a week skincare product and the serum is out of this world in my opinion. Yes it is my first serum in my life so I may just be blown away with the effects because I have never used one before but I am in love right now. 

My sister got my a load of Kiko products to try and the first one which I am really excited about is the Exfoliating Lip Stick because you guys know how much of a problem I have with my lips so a stick scrub is right up my street. She also got me a Smart Fusion lip pencil in the shade 533 which is a nice deep brown nude which matches the matte lipstick she also bought me in shade Velvet Passion. This lipstick is so cool because it smells like chocolate and the top is magnetic and it is one of them things that you can't stop playing with. Lastly from Kiko I got the Volumeeyes+ active mascara in black which is great because it has a fiber brush with a thin tip which is great at getting in the corners baby lashes. 

Finishing off the beauty section of this haul I have the Naked Heat palette by Urban Decay which is just beautiful. I have waited a while to try this palette and I have used it for the last few days since I got it. My favourite combo has to be He Devil with Scorched on top which looks so pretty. I love pinky red tones so this palette is perfect for me. I also got the Clinique Beyond Perfecting foundation and concealer in the shade 3.5 cream rose which I have been wanting to try for a long time. It is definitely a natural foundation which is what I like and the colour match is spot on so this will permanently be in my makeup bag for a while. 

Moving onto non makeup presents Cal also got me the Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue which was one of the first perfumes he bought me over the years so we've come back full circle. I also got this lovely red Linea Cross Body Circle bag which is the perfect size for days out and a great colour for nights out with a all black outfit. 

Lastly I received loads of books for my birthday mainly of Mary Berry who is my favourite human of the moment. I got two baking books which are 100 Cakes and Bakes and Mary Berry's Baking Bible and two cooking books which are Classic Mary Berry and Mary Berry Everyday. My last book is Stacey Dooley's On The Frontline With The Women Who Fight Back, I have been obsessed with Stacey ever since she was on Blood Sweat and T-shirts. I love everything Stacey is about and can't wait to read about her experiences first hand.
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