Showing posts with label blog posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog posts. Show all posts

My 5 Most popular posts from 2014

I read this post on  Miss Makeup Magpie's blog recently which I loved and thought was a great idea, so I wanted to see for myself which out of my 100 blog posts was the most popular. You can read Gemma's post here.

What really shocked me when I went on the statistics page on Bloglovin today was that the top posts that had been my most popular for ages now were no where to be seen, this made me feel quite good that new people were starting to read my old posts and enjoy them it seems :)

My most popular post from this year was my Naughty H&M Beauty Haul which I posted back in January. I showed you guys all of the H&M make up products that I had purchased online and I was quite excited to try out the products because H&M doesn't really spring to mind as a 'make up shop'. I was pleasantly surprised by the products and would recommend them all.

My second most popular post was my Things That Make Me Happy from March. In this post I named for you the things I enjoy doing that keep me feeling happy, without sounding really corny. These were and are all things I love to do when I am either in a great mood or need to cheer myself up.

My third most popular post was my Beauty Haul from March. I enjoyed writing this post because it was a good shopping day for me and I ended up with so much that I couldn't wait to try out. Most of the stuff in the haul I still have now or have repurchased (apart from the fake tan as I am way too lazy at the moment to even think about tanning!) so I picked wisely.

My fourth most popular post was the Liebster Award from January. I only started my blog in the first week of January so to be nominated by someone always for it in the same month made me incredibly happy. I didn't know what it was so I was excited to make my input. I'm not surprised it was popular as most bloggers now know what it is and so are intrigued in who nominated who and what questions they answered. I have been nominated again by Copper Pink so I shall be doing another post hopefully soon once I have the time.

My last most popular post was my How To Style | Ripped Jeans post from just November. I don't consider myself a fashion blogger by all means, I am the furthest thing to it, but I do enjoy writing these types of posts. I am always on Pinterest getting ideas for outfits or making myself sad at all the pretty clothes that I don't have so bringing all them ideas together into one post excites me. I'm planning on writing more 'how to style' posts this year, maybe for clothing that isn't that popular and trends that I put my own little twist on. You'll have to stay tuned to find out!

I'd just like to say that over Christmas Chelsea Loves reached 100 Bloglovin followers and since then have gained even more so I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who followed this little blog, a year ago or a week ago as this is my favourite little hobby and I enjoy it so much :)
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