Showing posts with label bralets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bralets. Show all posts

My Key Outfits This Spring

My Key Outfits This Spring

I love the clothing in shops during spring time because it is so colourful and you can pick up items which you can wear when it is cold and when it is hot with different alternatives. I thought i'd share with you of my favourite items which I love to wear during this season.

K N E E   L E N G T H   S K I R T S (photo)
This won't be a surprise to some of you because I live in long skirts during the warmer months, even though I am only 5 foot I think these really suit my size and shape at the right length and I much prefer wearing long shirts to wearing short shorts. I am not a big suns out legs out kind of girl. I love pairing long skirts with cropped tops or tip tops which I can tuck inside the skirts. I am lucky enough to have an alright waist so I like to show it off when I can.

S M O C K   T O P S  (photo)
I love to stick on a big smock top with a pair of skinny ripped jeans as it looks like you've  put a lot of effort into your clothes when really all I've done is chuck on some clothes. I like to pair them with black skinny jeans and blue ripped skinny jeans and they work with both.

C L O T S (photo)
Clot trousers are a staple in my wardrobe around this time of year because they work with any weather and suits my body shape to a tee. Again I like them because they are usually high waist so they emphasis my small waist. I pair these with cropped tops and they can look really casual or dressed up with wedges or heels.
B R A L E T S (photo)
I didn't hop on the bralet trend when it first came around but after a while I couldn't keep away and now that I own one I have fell in love. I don't like the bralets that have a thin strap on them as they make my boobs look a little pointy! But bralets with big straps looks good so I am trying to find as many as I can. I also love how these look underneath baggy t-shirts.

My Key Outfits This Spring

What are some of your favourite outfits this spring?
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