Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

My Capsule Wardwrobe Update

capsule wardrobe, fashion, finding a balance, Outfits, style, new year, loo back, reflection, pinterest,

During 2019 I have made a conscious effort to rework my wardrobe and create a capsule wardrobe which would work for me for any occasion. I have watched plenty of videos of the essential items you would need and I would say my wardrobe is definitely near completion, but over the last month or so I have increased the size of my wardrobe.

There are so many how to guides to building a capsule wardrobe and the thing I love about capsule wardrobes is that you don't need to follow any. You can have as little and as big a capsule wardrobe as you like. I think as long as the items see you through multiply seasons and can work with anything in your collection then you can join the fam!

When I first tried a capsule wardrobe in probably march time, I really took my wardrobe back to basic. I did a mammoth clear out and condensed my items to about 50. Half of the items I gave away to friends and family who loved it because most of the items were in perfect condition, and then I packed the rest of my wardrobe away because it wasn't seasonally appropriate. So I was left using 1/4 of the wardrobes in our bedroom (1 section is Cals, 1 is for house items and the last 1 I used for washing baskets).

I loved using my more condensed streamline wardrobe and found it really easy to work with for the first few months, I think with it being summer it was easy to rework outfits for different occasions. Then the weather changed and I found it a bit harder to maintain the wardrobe. I pulled out all of the jumpers from storage and rediscovered some of my favourites which has meant I haven't purchased any jumpers this autumn winter which is great, but I felt like all I was wearing was a jumper and leather leggings.

I knew I had some room for some cute dresses that I could wear with tights and boots during the winter months so I have recently purchased a few different styles which I have wrote about here. All items which i can work with for spring summer with some sandals. Apart from two winter boyfriends coats that I purchased from Newlook, these dresses are my only other purchases since April time which I am proud of.  The concept of a capsule wardrobe has really stuck with me because only last year, I was routinely buying new clothing for no real reason. Now I look at my wardrobe and see what I am lacking and what would work with what I already have.

Other than the new dresses I have recently purchased, to give me more options in my wardrobe during the colder months I re-evaluated my summer wardrobe in storage. I have loved splitting my wardrobe into seasons because it gives me more room in my wardrobe and most importantly, I tend to forget what items I have in storage so when I take them back out, I feel like I have a new item again. Saying all this, I needed some items to change up my wardrobe so I wasn't wearing the same outfit style every day. I have posted about some of the summer items I brought back out here. Now that I have purchased a few dresses I have no need for my summer items of clothing, so they have now gone back into storage ready to rediscover for summer.

So after this year how do I feel about a capsule wardrobe? I still absolutely love it and would recommend it to anyone. It helps you love your clothing on a daily basis and takes the stress out of trying to make a outfit. I love watching peoples videos of their capsule wardrobes and seeing how everyone's is different. 

I currently have about 70 pieces in my wardrobe (excluding shoes and accessories) and to some people, they would say that that isn't a capsule wardrobe. To them people I say, the great thing about capsule wardrobes is that you can tailor it to however works for you and if you saw the number of clothing items I used to own, you would be proud! 

P.S. I use Pinterest every day to help me create different outfits with the items I already own, take a look at my boards to see if they give you inspirations! Chelsea Loves on Pinterest

Five Most Popular Posts From The Year | 2015

new year, popular, posts, 2015 kiko, newlook, lily collins, ebay

Last year I wrote a blog post called My 5 Most Popular Posts From 2014 and although the name of the post has changed, I am going to talk you through my most popular posts from 2015 too. Some of my most popular posts from the year are posts I put a lot of effort into and so I am glad they are my best received posts.

I'll start with my fifth most popular post and work my way up and that post was my Pure Lips post. This post was all about some new lipsticks I had purchased from Newlook. I still love these lipsticks and recently posted a second post all about more Newlook lipsticks that I bought recently, read that post here.

My fourth most popular post of the year was my Why Lily Collins Will Forever Be My Girl Crush post. I got a lot of love for this post so a lot of people must share my love for the girl. I basically list all the reasons why I love the girl and why I want to be her. If you love Lily too have a little read!

My third most popular post was my Best finds on eBay and Tips! post and I really enjoyed writing this post as I had never seen anything like it and loved how it came out. I do love a eBay shop and this post shows you all the great bargains I have bought over the years and gives you a few tips for buying great quality products on the site.

My second most popular post was my How To Style | Ripped Jeans post which was my fifth most popular post for 2014. Fashion posts are something that I really enjoy writing but very rarely do which is something I want to change in 2016.

My most popular post of 2015 was my Kiko Universal Fit Hydrating Foundation which I wrote in January of 2015 and for the whole year it has been my most read post with 1059 views, that might not be a lot to some of you but to someone like me, that is a lot of views! If I am being totally honest with you, I have no idea why this post has become so popular but every month this post is my most viewed post.

This year has been a good year for myself and my blog and I finally feel like I am finding my own style of blogging. I can't wait to see what 2016 brings and hope that I still enjoy blogging then as much as I do now (which I know I will already)

I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has followed me this year and also to the lovely people who have been following me prior to this year. I appreciate you all so much and hope you all have a lovely new years day and hope you all have an amazing year.

New Years Resolutions | Reflection on Last Years Resolutions

It has been a whole year since I started this blog and my first post was dedictaed to 2013 and what resolutions I was going to make. I wanted to reflect at the end of the year and see what I have completed from my resolutions post from last year which you can read here.

I know your going to see loads of these types of blog posts everywhere but I do think it is good to reflect on the year and go back to your old resolutions. 

Make the most of my days off At the beginning of the year I was doing really well planning fun things to do on my days off, I have gone to loads of villages with my boyfriend and gone for walks in new places, I've also drove to new places like Peterborough and Cambridge for days out.

Show some love to my old outfits this one hasn't been so successful. I have got into the routine of buying loads of new clothes and then not having the space to put them, so I sort through all my draws and wardrobes and give any old clothes to my friends who I think would wear them. It is good in a way because it means my wardrobe is organised more often but i have given half my wardrobe away this year and just replaced it with new clothes... I would say that was a fail!

Have breakfast EVERY morning this one lasted for about two months which is good for me. Recently if I have had breakfast at all, it has been cakes or a biscuit. Maybe this year I will actually stick to this one.

Treat myself to a pamper session once a week I don't know about once a week but I definitely do pamper myself a fair bit, although a lot of things have got in the way of me sitting down with a face mask on. The only thing I would say I am slacking on is my forgotten nails. I haven't done anything to them in months when I used to have a different colour on my nails every week so this year I do need to show some more love to my nails.

To use up my existing products before I purchase more when I wrote this one last year I was referring to my body products for the shower and such, but now my problem is having too much make up. Over the last 12 months I have bought quite a bit of make up and got some other bits from Birchbox and now my make up draw is overflowing. So this year I shall be focusing on using up all my make up before purchasing anymore. With Body products I have my stash under control for once.

I shall be posting my new years resolutions for 2014 as well so in a years time, I can write another post like this to see whether I have kept up with my new resolutions :)

Hello 2014!

I have never really been one for new years resolutions. I find that they are just things that people promise they will do/change about themselves but never actually follow through with. Nevertheless I do have some things that I want to do this year. They aren't the typical go to the gym or eat more healthy resolutions but they are things that I think I should/need to do :)
Make the most of my days off
I am quite a lazy person so when I have a day off you can usually find me in my bed watching a DVD or on my laptop. From now on though, I want to plan things for when I'm free so I don't get to the point where I need to leave the house because I've spend too much time inside. I'm quite confident in exploring new places by myself so I plan to just pick a place to drive to and see what I find.
Show some love to my old outfits
I am really bad at buying new clothes and stuffing my old clothing into the back of my wardrobe, never to be seen again until I have a massive clear out (slaps wrist). Working in a clothing store means I have to keep updating my wardrobe with the latest stock but I do try to mix my new clothing with something I brought months ago. Whether it is a new shirt with some jeans from last year or a new dress with a old cardigan, I feel better knowing that I am making the most of all my clothes.
Have breakfast EVERY morning
I am one of them people who would rather spend more time in my bed before I start to get ready then take the time to go make myself breakfast. I know it's bad but I have never been a breakfast eater. From now on though, I will be forcing myself to get up and have something, I will be needing energy when my job changes in the next few weeks so I wont be able to get away with not eating until 12/1 o'clock anymore. Even if it's just an apple before I leave or something to eat once I get to work, I should feel better in the long run.
Treat myself to a pamper session once a week
At the moment I only treat my skin to a pamper session when I can remember (or when I'm bored) so I think my skin deserves to be pamper more often. I recently bought loads of facemasks in Homebargins for 99p each so I have no excuse to not use them weekly at that price.
To use up my existing products before I purchase more 
I have the typical beauty obsessor's problem... buying more beauty products before I've used up the ones I already have. It got to the point where after I spend £50 on body products on, I had enough body creams/butters/washes/scrubs for 10 people... opps. The worst part was that half of the bottles were started already, I knew then that I had to just use one body butter until it was finished. So now I'm working my way through the ones that I had already started and not touching my new products until I actually need them. Hopefully after a while, I will have space to put my products (I have three boxes full at the moment, I know its excessive)


And those are my new years resolutions for 2014, I hope I stick to them and then if I am still writing this blog in 2015, we can see if I have :) 
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