5 Items I Want To Add To My Wardrobe

I am still searching for items to add to my wardrobe to complete my aim to have a capsule wardrobe,  I don't follow all the rules and I certainly have more items then the recommended capsule wardrobe but you can interpret it in your own way.  

There are a few things which I am currently looking for to add to my wardrobe which I think will be 
a welcome addition. 

style, fashion, capsule wardrobe, shopping, clothing, Newlook, h&m, topshop, straight jeans, blazer, ditsy dress, graphic tees, patterned tights, every blogger welcome,

Blue Straight Jeans
I still don't have a pair of straight jeans in my life and the urge to buy a pair is growing daily. I can't justify buying another pair of jeans when I have 4 pairs of blue jeans already. I definitely need to declutter my jeans first before I purchase a pair but where to buy them from is another thing stopping me from purchasing them. I found this pair from Newlook which I really like the shape and colour off but I am slightly funny with jeans so the hassle of buying a pair which don't fit and returning them is putting me off. What are your recommendations for blue straight jeans? I have tried every Primark near me and I can't find their vintage straight jeans. 

Black Blazer
Another staple in most peoples wardrobe which I am still lacking in is a black blazer. I know I would get a lot of wear out of one and I love the look of a black blazer, roll neck and a pair of blue jeans. This Topshop one is a lovely boxy fit with a tortoise button detail.  

Ditzy Dress
I am seriously lacking in cute dresses I can wear with tights and boots in the winter so I did have a look on the Shein website this morning (which is currently having a black Friday sale) and purchased a few bits to try. I picked up this black and one collar dress which is baggy and flowy and hopefully flattering. I am having a sort of body moment at the minute and I was to stay away from tight fitted clothing that makes me look pregnant... Another dress that I picked up is this Ditsy Babydoll Dress which again is black and one but how many black and white dresses can you have? I will do a review of the order once it arrives as I'm sure you will be as interested in the quality as I am! 

Graphic Tees
I have never really been into graphic or band tees but recently I have found myself being drawn towards them and I watched a clothing haul by Bang On Style and I became obsessed with her wolf tee shirt so I definitely want to add some into my collection now. 

Patterned Tights
I may regret this and look about 12 but I am loving the look of a plain black dress and patterned tights this autumn and I would like to try the look soon. I am someone who loves a plain outfit so the tights will jazz it up a tiny bit and hopefully make a whole new range of outfits. I will let you know how I get on with this one... 

What are you planning to add to your wardrobe this season? 
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