I love scanning Pinterest for festive nail designs during this time as they are my favourite styles to look at with all the glitter and sparkles. I wish it was acceptable to wear glitter nail vanish all the time but lets be honest if I wore a bright blue glitter nail polish during summer I think I'd get funny looks. Last year I treated myself to a gift set of festive nail vanishes from Newlook. You all know I love Newlook make up and their nail vanishes are just as good as the products I rave about.
In the set you get 7 different polishes which are all wearable and great quality, two are stand alone shades and the other 5 can be worn together as a base coat and a top coat of glitter (Deep Pink with Multi or Pink Pattern on top and Silver with Crystal on top). Deep Pink is a lovely glittery red with a hint of pink in which I was wearing in the photos for my October Favourites Post. This can be worn by itself for a pretty red nail and lip combo or with these two gorgeous glitter shades on top to really make your nails pop. Pink Pattern is a perfect bright glitter overload top coat which is a perfect shade for Deep Pink and Multi is a crazy colourful glitter top coat which has every colour imaginable in the pot! Both of these glitter top coats are great quality and I usually use two top coats of the glitter to make sure the glitter is evenly distributed.
At Christmas time I either go crazy on the gold or crazy on the silver, both are perfect for the festive period and some times good quality silver nail vanishes can be hard to get hold of, they either don't apply well or don't make a solid coat. This silver polish applies evenly and looks so metallic on the nails which is perfect for this season. To add an extra punch I love popping the Crystal polish on top to add even more glitter and sparkle.
My two bright stand alone shades are Bright Blue which is as you can guess a glittery bright aqua blue which is unlike any colour I have seen before. It has a hint of green to it and sparkles like crazy as you move your fingers. My last polish is a deep purple glitter which stands out so much it is perfect for a crazy dark gothic festive look. This shade has been perfect for wearing on my toes during the last month as it is the right colour for the season and makes my nails look really put together when all I've really done is whack a bit of polish on them.
I love Newlook products we all know that and they have recently re-branded (again) their range so hopefully they will bring out another nail polish gift set which amazing colours like these again. I will be sure to link them on my twitter or Instagram for you once I find them! What are you favourite festive nail products? Watch out for a second post on some of my favourite festive nail products from other brands and expect lots more glitter!
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