5 months later... Lets have a chat up!

Hello lovelies! How are you all? Sorry it has been sooooo long, I know I apologise I'm missed you too. The last five months I have been in a total blogger brain freeze and didn't know what I wanted to write about and why I wanted to write. This is a little thing I like to do in my spare time to talk about random things that entertain/excite me and I just didn't have anything that excited me for a while. 

I guess you could say I was living my life, one lasagne at a time...

But I woke up this morning in my empty bed which I was star fishing in all night, I turned my tv on to start watching YouTube and I suddenly got this feeling to blog. My style, hobbies and personality have changed a lot recently and I felt like my blog didn't reflect how I was feeling. Now I'll got a little mojo back it is time to get back to the blog and change it up a bit. 

I feel different, I think different so lets start again. 

Enough of my needless ramblings.. just have a little chat up! 

A lot of things have happened in the last five  months; 

  • I've changed job roles at my work and am now the finance assistant which I am very happy with. I loved doing all the finance side of my previous role but I didn't get much time to actually get my teeth into anything so to now spend most of my day on those jobs makes me very happy, if not a little bit of a geek. They annoy the hell out of me but I love working with numbers. 
  • I have also started a AAT course in bookkeeping and I never thought I would go back into education. The course is completely online so I can work at home or at my desk at work which works for me. I am waiting to book in my first exam so wish me luck!
  • Another important note is that I am going to become a auntie next year which I am so excited about. hopefully spending time with the little bean which make Callum broody...
  • I also recently got a fringe! I feel like I am 16 all over again but I like it... for the moment. I tend to be quite indecisive with my hair so hopefully I make up my mind soon. 
  • I finally made it to Brighton for my birthday and I loved everything about it. The shops, the pier, the houses and streets. I would love to go again but with a bigger group of people next time. 
  • We have finally started finishing off some of the rooms in the house, it only took us 2+ years. Our living room and spare room look completely different and our next step is to get the house ready to host Christmas! We still need to get a dishwasher (for obvious reasons) and buy a bigger table to fit my family around. 
  • Callum and I have also started saving for a wedding- ish. Its a working progress. We went to the most beautiful wedding this year which I have to say was basically my dream wedding. That made me really want to start doing something to work towards it.
  • Callum and I haven't been on a proper holiday since last year so we went for a few days down to the English seaside which was lovely, apart from the fact we stayed in a caravan on the hottest week of the year. You don't know heat until you've walk into a caravan which has been empty all day on the hottest day of the year. 
  • I am now officially as blind as a bat and need glasses 70% of the time. Do I wear them 70% of the time? depends where I am going. 
  • Lastly in true blogger fashion I have considerably reduced the size of my wardrobe over the last five months. We finally got our fitted wardrobes installed and I really wanted to use that time to make sure everything in my wardrobe was something I loved. More to come about decluttering I promise. 
That's basically everything that's happened in the last five months. I feel like this is the perfect time to get my mojo back into blogging with the autumn coming up. I have already transitioned my wardrobe to my autumn/winter clothing, maybe too early but I really needed my jumpers back in my life!

Lastly have some photos from the last five months and try not to laugh at my poses as a teenager!
Callum and I at our first wedding we attending together!

The only time my fringe ever looked good when I was 16, at my prom in 2010.
A random street in Brighton which was too cute to walk past and not take a photo.

Our current living room. Still very bare but I love how it is turning out. We still need a new dining table and artwork for the walls but it is coming together. Yes I was watching the real house wife's of New York City.

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