My Daily Routine in Isolation | Working From Home

working from home, isolation, home office, finance, routine, april, may, England, lifestyle.,

I have really been enjoying reading peoples routines while staying at home and working or just enjoying trying to enjoy the time they have at home with their families. I have been working from home since the middle of March so it has been a long few weeks at home. I have mentioned before that it took me a while to get into a routine that worked for me and even now, six weeks along, I am still changing things up.

I thought giving you a little run down of what my week days look like might remind some of you that, you don't need to do anything during this time apart from come out of it the other end. I have previously made a post of activities to do while you are stuck at home either during the weekends or all through the week if you aren't working.

Starting right at the beginning of the day I like to still get up around the same every morning and keep the same routine so at 7:15am every morning my alarm goes off. I like to sit on my phone for 5-10 minutes adjusting my eyes and prepping myself for the day I've need a lot of prep these last few weeks. Once I am awake I wonder around our bedroom in the dark picking my outfit for the day, I've made a post of some of the working form outfits I've been wearing lately. Once I have my outfit sorted I then go down to the second floor and do my usual skincare routine which I have also shared with you recently I have been on it!

Just before 8am I start on my makeup and I don't always do this but some days, I feel like by doing my makeup, I have much more energy and motivation.

Around 8am I go downstairs and enjoy a little relaxing time before I am due to start work. I make breakfast if I can be bothered and watch a little morning tv. I have always done this but the only difference now is that I have an extra half an hour to watch the tv.

At 8:55am I moved into the kitchen, make myself a drink to take up to my office and load up my laptop. I check my diary first of all to see what I have planned for the day and then check my emails. I am a finance assistant so my day consist of invoicing work and paying bills so I have a lot to keep on top of.

I try and press on and work right up until I have to physically eat as I find I am 100% more productive in the morning so I try and get as much done as I can before I stop for my lunch break. For lunch I like to switch off and watch Netflix or YouTube, depending on what kind of work I am doing I can have Netflix on in the background for back ground noise.

After my lunch I try to keep the work light and quick as I don't have that much motivation in the afternoons, I focus mainly on planning the following days in my diary and ticking off my jobs for the day. I switch off at 5pm and make my way downstairs to chat with Callum and plan our evening. Depending on the weather we like to go for our daily walk round our village and chat about our day to each other. We normally walk for an hour -hour and a half and after that I tend to sort dinner to get it out of the day. I meal prep two weeks ahead once Callum gets our food shop so I always have the ingredients ready to go.

Once dinner is in the oven and I am comfy on the sofa we normally switch on Netflix as there is never anything else on, I do have a post listing all my favourite shows to watch on Netflix. After watching a few things together I tend to go up to bed around 9pm and read a book to fall asleep to. I find if I stick to my normal bed routine then my life still feels normal.

This has felt like the most boring routine I can write about but I guess, everyone is in the same boat so I hope you have enjoyed this little walk through. I hope you are all keeping motivated and entertained!
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