My autumn to-do list

autumn, baking, batch cooking, bookkeeping, Christmas, country walks, food, Halloween, lifestyle, slow cooker, to-do list,

I think as much as I love the idea of Christmas being right around the corner (yes I've just used the C word...), it has only just struck me that the end of year is also near! I do feel like I have achieved a lot during the year but their are a few more things I want to do before the year is over. 

Make a current cake 
A bit of a random one to start with but I have been saying that I will attempt my mum's famous current cake for months. What better time then autumn when you want something to fill a long afternoon? 

Attend a Halloween party 
I love getting dressed up and Halloween is the best excuse to go crazy with your outfit. I like to plan dress up days at work around this time as well so that is two excuses to dress up! Who is inviting me to their party?

Visit more villages
Callum and I love to pick a random village neat us and take a long walk, looking at the cute old fashioned houses and old style roads. We like to try the local pub as well for some weekend lunch and we haven't been disappointed yet. We would like to add more village pubs to our list. You never know when someone will ask you for a recommendation. 

Get my batch cooking butt into gear 
I love batch cooking and during the winter, my work lunches can get bored very easily. I recently made a big batch of spaghetti Bolognese and cottage pie and I looked forward to my lunch all week. I want to turn Sundays into batch cooking and slow cooking days.

Use my slow cooker on a weekly basis
I love using my slow cooker but during the summer I didn't use it very much at all. Time to get that bad boy out and like I said in my last point, use my slow cooker on most Sundays so I can spend my day batch cooking meals for the week. 

Pass my second exam in Bookkeeping
I have only just passed my first exam for unit 1 but I am hoping by the end of autumn, I can say I have done two units. I am giving myself three months till I want to start the next stage.

Get my house sorted for Christmas 
This will be the first year I have hosted my family for Christmas day and I am nervous! I only have a few things to do to get the house ready, like get some curtains for the living room, get a new table which will fit all six of us and buy a dishwasher because I do not want to be washing up all that! It is just getting time before one day you look at your phone and its the start of December. 

Complete my Christmas shopping by the end of November
I know I have used the C word three times but I don't care. I have already started Christmas shopping and I would say I am 70% of the way so my plan to be ready by end of November should work out well. I am trying not to go crazy with presents this year so maybe I will do a budget gift guide. 
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  1. Good luck with everything! I really need to invest in a slow cooker, as they seem perfect for this time of year xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  2. Best of luck!! A current cake sounds delicious!
    Amber |


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