My Staples For A Work Wardrobe

asos, autumn, fashion, HM, Newlook, style, topshop, uniform, very, work, staples, pinterest, Instagram, outfits, ootd, wardrobe, the girl gang, blogging gals,

At my office there isn't really any uniform protocol and if I wanted to come into work in some  leggings and an oversized jumper/hoodie, I would get away with it. This doesn't stop me wanting to get dressed up for work and make cute smart outfits. I have always loved dressing girlie and smart ever since I was a little girl.

I remember running round my stores when I worked in retail in a checked mini skirt, roll neck and high black boots. Over the years my stamina has reduced but my taste in mini skirts hasn't!

I have a few staples that my work uniform revolves around and they are nothing too bold or daring, just a few neutral (but mainly black) items that work with everything. I do want to branch out every so slightly into more neutral colours that aren't black... but the habit runs deep. It just goes with everything and in winter you can get away with a lot of black items.

asos, autumn, fashion, HM, Newlook, style, topshop, uniform, very, work, staples, pinterest, Instagram, outfits, ootd, wardrobe, the girl gang, blogging gals,
My staples for a work wear wardrobe
1 pair of black trousers (similar)
1 pair of black jeans (link)
an array of neutral coloured jumpers 
a roll neck (link)
a black skirt (link)
a animal print shirt (link)
a cream shirt link)
a black patterned shirt (link)
a pair of black loafers (link)
a pair of black boots (link)
1 midi skirt (link)
1 pair of culottes (link
1 logo tee (link)

Although I definitely did not need any more basis in my wardrobe, I did pick up a few things from my local Newlook today so make sure to head over to my Instagram to see what pieces i picked up! 

Most mornings I post my outfit of the day so make sure you follow me to keep up to date with my favoruites! 

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